The FORE Team
Sofie Costin, PhD Candidate
Tarryn Davies, PhD candidate
Microbial genomics, ecosystem condition and soil inoculation
I am researching the impact of ecosystem condition on soil microbial communities in grey box grassy woodlands, and using this knowledge to trial different soil inoculation techniques.
Riley Hodgson, PhD candidate
Restoration ecology, plant-soil feedbacks, and metagenomics research
I'm researching how soil microbes affect native plant health and ecosystems, with a focus on restoration ecology in response to global changes.
Dr. Craig Liddicoat, Research Fellow
Microbial genomics, ecological restoration, and human health
I am investigating the restoration of health-promoting soil biodiversity for the People, Cities & Nature research program in Aotearoa NZ.
Kate Matthews, PhD candidate
Shawn Peddle, PhD candidate
Restoration ecology, soil microbiota and soil translocations/inoculations
Alex Flynn Taylor, Honours Student
Soil ecoacoustics, environmental monitoring, restoration ecology
I'm researching how we can use ecoacoustics to monitor soil fauna, focussing particularly on exploring relationships between soil communities and sound production.
Carl Watson, PhD candidate
Restoration ecology and soil microbiota
Joel Brame
Declan Spoor
Daniel Shepherd
Natalie Newman
Henry Hunt
Alfie Lem
Daphne McLeod
Henry Hunt
Alfie Lem
Daphne McLeod